Monday, August 2, 2010

Promise to Nature On Friendship Day

For centuries nature has been the best friend we could have. On Friendship Day, what we ought to do is re-think our relationship with her. We have defaced and disrespected her, insulting her unconditional friendship. Let's all pledge to make a new vow of friendship with nature, and nurture her like she has nurtured us. The poem below summarises the message we must reflect on as friends of nature.
Nature - My Friend

Nature, to me a special friend
Shade and shine and rain afresh
Glade of peace
The sun in strength
The night song in beauty drenched

Beast & fowl in my hand placed
Plant and soil that grow with grace
From them my every need appeased
Even to fulfill selfish greed

The hidden stream, to quench my thirst
The forest green, to eat my fill
A child to her bosom held
She blessed in love - gave of herself

Woe, to me, the condemnable crook
Who in ungratefulness lays her glory waste
If my friend’s heart with fullness gave,
Why? Oh, why, did my human spirit fail?

The raging storm is testament
And so is the whirling hurricane
In her hand, and her creator’s,
is power to purge my covetousness

In her abode my home is made
With her resource my house is carved
Without her help in ruins will lie
My every plan; the progress which I pride

But still to me she bows her head
And the scepter places in my hand
Stubbornly she seeks in me
Justice, kindness and integrity

For my friend
From whom I gladly robbed
It’s time to reciprocate her love
With a healer’s touch
And a benevolent gaze
I’ll remedy each crime
And wipe her tears.

-  Carissa Paul


Raunak said...

Never looked at nature in this perspective! It truly is our friend more than anything else and like all friends, we should stand up nature too.

NIrvikalpa said...

Exquisitely written, free-flowing, just like nature herself!

Suvendu said...

Carissa - such a beautful poem and it has got the essence of real friendship - that is love and sacrifice. Small sacrifices by all of us would definitely bring a change. Let's make this a better world to live in!!!

Carissa said...

Thank you all for your appreciation of the poem. The idea is to get us all as individuals to introspect our relationship with nature and remember to protect her as she has protected us.

Ninnu said...

A poem that is beautifully expressing nature! and superbly written
- With lots of Love from your little sister to you -