Green Tips!


In the Kitchen

The kitchen and the household is where water is of essential value. Here is where we can make active changes.

• When cleaning out fish tanks, give the nutrient-rich water to your plants.

• Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, and then reuse it to water houseplants.

• Never pour water down the drain when it can be used elsewhere like for watering the plants or garden or for cleaning.

• Reuse the waste water generated from RO (Reverse Osmosis) type water purifiers for cleaning floors etc.

• When you fill a glass of drinking water, fill only as much as you will drink.

• Select one glass for your drinking water each day or refill a water bottle. This will cut down on the number of glasses to wash.

• When using a dishwasher run it only with full loads and don't use the extra-long pre-wash and scrub cycles unless absolutely necessary.

• Run the washing machine when it has a full load only. One load uses 100-150 litres of water. Washing on a full load every second day can save upto 130 litres of water.

• When possible, while washing or cleaning use a brush, wash cloth, or your hand to dislodge particles of dirt rather than relying on the force of water.

• Try to wash all the vegetables and fruits for a meal at the same time. Wash them in a bowl of water instead of running water from the tap.

• While washing dishes by hand you can use one of your sinks by blocking the drain & filling it up with soapy water to wash the dirty dishes. And then quickly rinse them under a slower stream from the other faucet (or use two large vessels).

• Soak pots and pans instead of letting the water run while you scrape them clean. Don't let taps run unnecessarily or at a high flow rate while washing or rinsing.

In the Bathroom

Because such a large percentage of water use is in the bathroom, this is where water conservation must begin.

• When shampooing, turn off the water while lathering the hair.

• Rinse hand razors in a filled sink or a mug rather than running water.
Save 10-15 litres of water.

• Upto 16 litres of water are consumed per minute each time a person brushes or shaves.

• Rinsing your hand and toothbrush with a mug uses only 1/2 litre of water compared to the 80 litres if you leave the tap running for 5 minutes.

• The average bathroom tap flows at the rate of 20-30 litres per minute depending on how far it's turned on; by simply turning off the tap you can save around 900 litres per person each month.

• Put food colouring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl without flushing, you have a leak.

• Drop your facial tissue in the trash can instead of flushing it and save water.

• Washing clothes in a bucket instead of under a running tap saves 200 litres.

• A 10-minute shower uses up to 120 litres of water. Aim for five-minute or less. Better still use a bucket. One or two 20 litre buckets are enough. Savings: 20 - 30 litres per day per person.

• When buying new appliances consider ones that offer cycle and load size adjustments. They're more water and energy efficient.

• When installing new fittings, go for water-wise devices and toilet systems such as the dual flush system with a half-flush option – save around 5-6 litres.

• The average flush tank holds 15 litres of water. Only 9 - 10 litres are needed to flush.Place a rock or sand-filled 2 litre container or plastic bottle in the flush tank. It will displace its volume in water and you’ll save 2 litres of water every time you flush.

• Install inexpensive water-saving devices on faucets and showerheads. Aerators spread the pressure of water without wasting it and can reduce water flow by 50%.

• Repair your faucet and toilet leaks. One small drip every second wastes 30 litres per day.


Unknown said...

I do every bit of me to switch off the light when not requires, close the tap if not required and do everything from whatever smallest to preserve the environment. When why cant U? Please wake up each and all.

Corporate Communications said...

Thank you for the message Nilufer .. You are right about us all having to take action. Your efforts are making a difference! Keep up the good work and continue to spread the word!

Unknown said...

Some small and simple tips and please dont say that we dont have time to follow this.

Kindly switch off the switch directly whenever you switch the TV from the remote.

Kindly switch the power directly of the washing machine before removing clothes from the tub and this not implies for the above but all the electronic gadgets that we use. Gadgets are welcome but misuse would lead to drastic problem if not now, we may understand then for the future generation. Save power and live best.
Hight alertness is essential.

And most informative suggestion I personally would give is please dont throw rubbish on the road. We all are very literate not to do this. Wake up!!

Unknown said...

Please dont use plastic unnecessary.I see so many people throwing flowers or any kind of stuff in plastic bags in Bandra creek at suburbs where I personally take an initiative and tell them about the consequences which we all have to face because of plastc bags or newspaper or in short whatsoever materail thrown in water. Preserve it or else balme urself for the effects later.Humble request to all once again.