Get Eco Wise

The Ecowise-Waterwise Series has been and continues to be Ion Exchange' s endeavour to keep its internal and external public informed of, and involved in, the diverse environment and water related global news. The templates are a creation of Ion Exchange (India) Ltd. and maintain a simple format. It ensures that an important message is given in the most effective way possible while motivating thought and action of every individual to be essentially pro-environment.
Ecowise (about the environment)
  • Hara Wah!: Good News/Event
  • Hara Bhara!: General Information/Tips
  • Hara Kiri!: Negative News/Concerns
Waterwise (water related)
  • Jal Wah!: Good News/Event
  • Jal Di Bol!: General Information/Tips
  • Jal De!: Negative News/Concerns