Friday, July 30, 2010

Doomsday for Waste!

Recycling is no longer an option. It has to be a way of life. With the increasing amounts of waste generated, what better way to solve the waste-full problem at offices than organise an innovative recycle drive to reuse waste generated in offices, as a group activity.

'Doom's Day' held annually at Ion Exchange is certainly not as ominous as it sounds. All it involves is setting aside of time – a day, once a year, by all employees at a location to clear their work space of all the unwanted papers that have accumulated during the year. These unwanted papers are then recycled - the single-side printed papers are reused for printing drafts etc. or are bound into "rough" note pads.The double-sided used papers are shredded and used as packing.

Our Rabale office conducted its paper clearance drive, ‘Doom’s Day’ on July 17th, and guess what? They collected around 5000 kgs of unwanted paper that is now being reused.

Added benefits are a cleaner, better organised work space - and more space!

" Work is indeed worship, and by conducting the Doom’s Day drive, we brought about a clean and clear working area.. After all the office is where we spend almost 9 hours of a day and we all keep our places of worship pure!" said GK Ghadi, one of the organisers of 'Doomsday' at Ion Exchange, Rabale.

Charity begins at home. ‘Clear-ity’ begins at work.

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