Monday, July 19, 2010

Believe in the Power of One

You can make a difference if you take the effort to conserve. Just practising the tips will help you accomplish more than you can imagine. And the future belongs to the better informed & the better equipped.
Visit the sites listed below for more practical tips on how to save water. Share them with your friends and neighbours.

Spread the Word, Save the World
If you have done anything at home/in your housing society/ neighbourhood to spread awareness or act on environmental issues, do post a comment. Your example will inspire others to follow suit.


Suvendu said...

CCD has taken up this noble initiative to spread the message - The Green Life, a life which we will leave behind for our children and their children. Small steps taken by us will help protect the environment in a big way. I was so thrilled with the idea of earth hour, I took a print of the emailer sent by CCD and put up on the notice board of our society and encouraged members and friends to switch off power between 8.30 - 9.30pm. on March 27, 2010. I created SMS and circulated among friends and relatives. I can say that we made an impact and trust me this impact will compound year after year building awareness in protecting our precious environnment.

I am so proud to be a part of the CCD team.

Suvendu Senapati

Unknown said...

My heartiest congratulations to CCD for this "close to our heart" initiative. There are many things we do in daily life but fail to communicate effectively ( and therefore increase awareness to environmental protection). I believe Green Life provides such a platfom. Let me share a small example( which incidentally is being duplicated by many)
Ganesh Chathurti needs no explanation for its importance and I looked forward to the clay idol coming into our house-year after year since childhood.
Ever since I began environmental audits,I would share various industrial examples of recycle and reuse with my children. Then, during one such Ganpathy celebration, over 15 years ago, the obvious question cropped up from an innocent mind: are we not poluting the sea with our clay idol?
I remembered, as a child, my grandmother craftily preparing a Ganesha from tamarind powder which was our idol till the puja was over. She then gently dissolved the Ganesha in a bowl of water, which she fed to the Tulsi plant in our house.
Where had we erred along the way in "disolving" this beautiful practice? I asked myself.
Ever since then this practice has been restored in our house and I have also been able to convince many on the benifits of this age old practice. I now believe I see Lord Ganesha smiling all the more.