Friday, August 13, 2010

Let's Be Freedom Fighters

The concept of freedom is not new to living beings, especially humans. The fact that we strive hard for food, shelter & clothing but fight even harder for freedom speaks for itself. The joy of true freedom was experienced by the entire nation midnight 15th August, 1947. After being enslaved for 350 years, the bird flew out of its cage.

With hope in our hearts & heads full of dreams, we marched towards a new world, envisioning a world of progress, a better life. But progress came at a cost. Speaking from the Indian perspective, the industrial boom, then population explosion and urbanisation, poverty, illiteracy, corruption, pollution and environment degradation have all  been an inherent, interlinked and embarrassing truth.    Worse, these problems have only increased with time, getting deeper by the roots & stronger by the motives. Chained by reality, every passing decade has seen fundamentals wronged at every step.

Undoubtedly efforts have been made towards eradication of many of our problems.  And though they have not been sufficient or successful enough to take us from our darkest points to the "white" light of freedom, we must at least grasp the grey.  White may be unattainable...for now. But grey definitely shouldn't be.  And eventually, sooner or later, break all chains. And be free, once again.

Our nation’s freedom struggle has been a lesson to the world. Let’s be freedom fighters once again.  Let’s join hands and make a pledge – to freedom.

- Ruchi Sanganeria


Sandra said...

Very beautifully made card .. Yes, we must truly be the modern day freedom fighters to make our India a more beautiful place!

Ashima said...

That's true! 63 years ago we fought for and won against what oppressed us then - the British.

Now we need need freedom from the things that keep us in bondage today .. Just like the nation was ONE in every way for the freedom struggle against our colonists we must be ONE again for a battle against everything that eclipses INDIA from true freedom.