Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fishy Quotes!


Nicolette said...

I would rather be on someone's plate, than to slowly die because of this pollution!

Nicolette LeVillard
CCD Ext: 2125

Shruti said...

Something smells FISHY...and it's not me!!!

Shruti Ashok
Extn: 2078

Sampada Rangnekar said...

There's so much pollution in the air now that if it weren't for our lungs there'd be no place to put it all.

Sampada Rangnekar
Projects Export
Ext:- 2520

Anonymous said...

1. and u (Humans) say I stink, your deed stinks.
2. Take a dive in my world to know how much your world stinks.
3. Reduce, recycle, reuse, but do not dump your hump in my home.
4. Make me happy, throw in tasty bites not plasticides
5. I am ready to share my world,not my space for your dump.
6. Would you love a fish tasting like plastic.
7. I love my oceans green, please keep it clean.
8. Give my child a chance to dance the depths of the ocean
9. Scuba diving in coral reef is fun do not make it a grief .
10. Leave a heritage , not a horror.
11. You have made many species extinct with your dubious stints

Saumya Rajesh Badgayan
W/O Rajesh Badgayan
Finance Ext 2009

mahesh chavan said...

u people dont pollute our world,coz good planets are hard to find
Mahesh Chavan
Emp code 5398
local projects

Nisha Sawant said...

"Fish say, We have our Stream and Pond; But is there anything Beyond?”

Nisha Sawant
Ext: 2028

Judith Pereira said...

What (water) a Life !

Staying Alive....
Staying Alive....

Oh Oh Oh
Staying Aliveeeeee!!!!!

Unknown said...

My diet is your diet. And If I'm polluted;so you are.

Carissa Paul said...

My fate in life is this calamity
my home no longer safe
the place I called my haven
is lost to selfish ways

My tears cannot be seen
and my deformed face can't show
how much I miss the place-
I once used to call home

So now, human friend (ha,ha what a joke)
I ask you to consider,
and dare YOU victimiser
to FRY a fish so bitter!


Unknown said...

I am a gold fish, but I don’t look like one,
as pollution has changed the way I look,
only you can help me look like a GOLD FISH again.

Nital Nerurkar
Ext: 2046